if God is good why do we suffer

If God Is Good Why Do We Suffer?

During tragedies such as the recent one in my neighborhood, I wonder, if God is good, why do we suffer? Why does God allow these horrific things to happen?

I searched for a podcast to take my mind off the tragic mass shooting in my neighborhood where a boy killed his brother and four others, including an off-duty police officer.

Aha! The podcast episode I found sounded good and was the right length for my drive. And even better, God provided exactly what I needed, the story of Loren Hicks, lead pastor at Pacific Christian Center, Santa Maria, California.

Loren’s grandparents were god-fearing people, but left the church while his father was young. Loren’s parents led a hippie partying lifestyle in the 70s and wanted nothing to do with God.

However, his father had a twin brother who followed Jesus and continually prayed for his family to know Christ, whatever the cost. Subsequently, Loren’s uncle, his father’s twin brother, died in a freak work accident. This tragedy led the entire family, Loren’s parents and siblings, to accept Jesus as their Savior.

Now Loren is a pastor who reaches so many others with the life-giving message of Jesus through his sermons, YouTube channel, and podcast episodes.

I realize we cannot know all the reasons for suffering, but let’s examine the hope and truth in God’s Word.

The origin of suffering on earth

God created a paradise for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, sin’s curse entered the world through their disobedience.

Since then, pain and suffering mark the human experience because of the direct or indirect consequences of sin (Genesis 3). Even though God forgives, we still suffer the consequences of sin in a broken world.

Why we suffer

So, if God is good, why do we suffer?

First, suffering accomplishes God’s purpose for us to be more like Jesus. Comfort makes us forget about God, but suffering reveals how weak we are and how we need God in our lives. When things are doing well, who needs God?

But God loves us so much! He wants to draw us into a personal relationship with Him.

Next, when we trust God, He uses everything, even suffering, for His good purposes. Just like God used the death of Loren’s uncle to bring his family back to God.

The Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).

When I experienced the worst tragedy of my life, a diagnosis of breast cancer, God led me back to Him after many years of living as I pleased. The past twenty years have been an amazing journey to discover how much God loves me.

Last, we share in the suffering of Jesus on the cross, so one day we will celebrate the end of suffering when He returns to earth and His glory is revealed (1 Peter 4:13).

Final words

When terrible tragedies happen, we wonder if God is good, why do we suffer? Where is God? Why does He allow this?

God is where He has been since the beginning of time, loving His wayward people and leading them to live upright and godly lives. We have the hope that suffering will end when Jesus comes back to claim the earth as His heavenly kingdom.

Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV, emphasis added).

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Jeanette Mickle

This is so true that out of suffering and grief people come to Christ. Thank you for sharing.

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