best foods for good vision

What Are the Best Foods for Good Vision?

This is the first of three blog posts on how to maintain good vision by taking care of our eyes. Be sure to check out the others: how to preserve your eyesight by protecting your eyes and developing healthy habits. At the end of each installment, I reveal an amazing fact about our eyes. So keep reading to the end!

Did you know that the food you eat affects your vision?

Maybe as a child, you were told eating carrots improves your nighttime vision.

Although carrots are full of Vitamin A, which is good for eye health, they cannot improve nighttime vision. Many people are unaware that this carrot-themed myth originated from a WWII-era propaganda campaign, and there is no scientific basis for it.

However, there are many other foods for good vision other than carrots. So what are the best foods for good vision?

Nutrition for good vision       

Did you know the eyes are part of the brain, and the best foods for good vision often support brain health as well? The eyes and the brain need lots of energy for optimal function.

Dr. Rani Banik, Ophthalmologist, Functional Medicine doctor, and author of “Beyond Carrots: Best Foods for Eye Health A to Z” suggests a diverse plant-rich diet including 5 cups of colorful fruits and vegetables per day.

Does that seem like a lot of veggies? If you eat three meals daily, include two different vegetables or fruits in each meal. Think about a big salad, stir-fry, or a green smoothie to include multiple plant foods in one dish.  

Also, limit or avoid sugar and ultra-processed foods such as cookies, crackers, cereal, chips and other snacks, candy, ice cream, baked goods, processed meats, and frozen dinners. Many of these foods contain unhealthy fats which cause inflammation and are not good for the eyes and brain.

Finally, take care of your gut. Emerging research links the health of the gut microbiome to eye health. Include prebiotics and probiotics in your diet to support the gut bacteria. Click here for a downloadable list of prebiotic and probiotic foods.

Nutrients for maintaining good vision

To protect your eyes from common eye conditions like dry eyes, cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma, include the best foods for good vision that are rich in these nutrients.

  • Vitamins A, B, C
  • Zinc
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA)
  • Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin)
  • Anthocyanins (found in berries)

If you don’t eat a lot of fish and seafood, consider an omega-3 supplement.

Best foods for good vision

Here are some superfoods for healthy eyes and brain. This list is not exhaustive. Indeed, some of the best foods for good vision are those that support overall health. Think about eating the colors of the rainbow.

  • Almonds
  • Avocados
  • Beets
  • Blueberries (and other berries)
  • Broccoli (includes the Brassica family, such as Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, cabbage, and cauliflower)
  • Chia seeds
  • Coconut oil
  • Eggs (especially the yolk)
  • Flaxseeds
  • Green leafy vegetables (for example, spinach, watercress, Swiss chard)
  • Green tea
  • Pistachios
  • Pineapple
  • Salmon and other fatty fish

Final words

Our eyes are an amazing gift from God. He created an intricate system that allows us clear and vibrant vision.

Despite its small size, the eye contains some of the body’s fastest and most active muscles.

There are six tiny eye muscles attached to the outside of each eyeball that enable both eyes to move in all directions to see the same thing at the same time. Otherwise, we would see double.

But did you know your eyeball rotates right and left towards the ear or nose like a doorknob?

When you tilt your head to your shoulder, two small muscles automatically control the rotation of your eyes. Your vision remains aligned with the horizon, rather than being inclined along with your head.

Thank God for His incredible craftsmanship when creating our eyes, allowing us to witness the beauty of the world.

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