protect eyes for good vision

How Do I Protect My Eyes for Good Vision?

This is the second of three blog posts on how to maintain good vision by taking care of our eyes. (If you missed the others, check out the best foods and healthy habits for good vision.) At the end of each installment, I highlight one amazing fact about our eyes. So, keep reading until the end!

Do you take your eyesight for granted? Our eyes are an amazing gift from God, and it is our responsibility to preserve and protect them for good vision.

So, how do we protect our eyes for good vision?


Exposing the eyes to UV light from the sun can have detrimental effects, such as an increased risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and eyelid cancers.

To prevent UV light damage, when outside, always wear sunglasses labeled UV 400 or 100% UVA and UVB blocking.

Digital eye strain

Symptoms from digital eye strain include difficulty focusing, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and headaches.

Protect your eyes for good vision by taking frequent breaks when using digital devices for long periods of time. Dr. Rani Banik, ophthalmologist and author, suggests the 20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, close your eyes for 20 seconds to lubricate the eyes.

Artificial blue light

Current scientific studies explore the potential long-term impact of artificial blue light on the delicate structures of the eye. As of now, there is no scientific proof that the blue light emitted by digital devices can cause vision loss. However, it’s best to protect your eyes from artificial blue light for good vision.

The sun’s natural blue light is beneficial, especially in the morning. However, artificial blue light from computer screens, TVs, cellphones, LED and CFL bulbs causes a disruption in the circadian rhythm, causing difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

One of the best ways to improve your sleep is to limit exposure to artificial blue light from digital devices at least two hours before bedtime.

Another way to limit exposure to blue light at night is to use lights in the home with warm hues of red, orange, and yellow after sunset. Smart light bulbs adjust their color temperature throughout the day—blue light during the day and warmer hues at night to simulate nature.  

You may choose to wear blue light blocking glasses when using digital devices for long periods. Choose red lenses for maximum filtering of blue light.

While there are many apps that filter blue light on computers and cellphones, they only partially block it. One popular free one is f.lux.

Final words

Our eyes are an amazing gift from God. Sometimes we do not appreciate His complex design of our eyes, so we should protect our eyes for good vision.

God created our tears to lubricate and protect the eyes from irritants, debris, foreign objects, and infection. We have three types of tears—basal, reflex, and emotional.

Only humans have emotional tears which are triggered by sadness, joy, or stress. Emotional tears contain increased levels of hormones and natural painkillers, which help to relax us and calm emotional stress.

How comforting it is to know that our Heavenly Father provides emotional tears for us now, but promises to wipe away all our tears in the future (Revelation 21:4).

Thank God for His incredible craftsmanship when creating our eyes, allowing us to witness the beauty of the world.

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