One year ago, I saw my mom in the nursing home for the last time. If I knew this, I would have taken a selfie of us, hugged and kissed her again, and stayed longer instead of being in a hurry to beat the rush hour traffic. Funny thing is, I can’t remember anything specific about that day. What did we do? Was it a good day? When the pandemic erupted, all visits to the nursing home stopped. Two months later, mom died. Alone. No family around her bedside to say goodbye.
What lessons did I learn from the lockdown?
Make the most of every day
Even though it was difficult losing my mom during the pandemic, I learned many life lessons during this time.
The Bible says, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1 NIV).
Remember the victims of 9-11 who left for work on September 11, 2001, and never came home? What would their families have done differently if they knew?
I learned to embrace the present. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, because you may not see them again. I wish I gave mom a big hug and told her how much I loved her that day.
Hugs are essential
Sad to say, my childhood did not include hugging. When I started going to church again as an adult and someone offered a hug, it freaked me out. I thought, “who are these people and why are they hugging me.”
Now I love hugs! During this time of social distancing, I realize I miss my friendly hugs from a Christian brother or sister.
Scientific studies show hugging reduces stress, lowers your blood pressure, protects against getting a cold, and of course, makes you happy.
Cherish the hugs from your loved ones. You never know how much you miss the hugs until they are impossible.

The most important thing
Finally, I learned nothing is more important than our salvation. Because of God’s grace and mercy, Jesus died instead of us. We never lose our salvation. Everything and everyone else will pass away. However, I will see my mom again in heaven, healed of her dementia and paralysis.
In the book of Philippians, Paul lists his education, accolades, and accomplishments. But then he states, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8 ESV).
What is the most worthless thing imaginable? The Greek word translated “rubbish” or “garbage” means food scraps fed to dogs, excrement, or dung. All our self-serving accomplishments are worthless trash compared to our salvation in Christ.
What lessons did I learn from the lockdown? Make the most of every day. Hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love them. And the most important—our salvation in Jesus Christ is the only thing that lasts forever.
I miss my mom, but I am so thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, allowing me to see my mom again in heaven one day.
What lessons did you learn from the lockdown?
I enjoyed reading this. Mom’s are extra special. So much of what we are comes from our parents
Thank you Tom. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Wonderful article!
Thanks for reading, Heather!