Tips to makeover your morning

7 Tips to Makeover Your Morning

Do you find it difficult to get moving in the morning? Likewise, does the day slip by with little accomplished? Instead, start your day with intention and set a positive tone for your entire day by trying one or more of these tips to makeover your morning.

Rise at the same time every day

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day sets your 24-hour internal body clock, called the circadian rhythm. This encourages more restful sleep.

Furthermore, staying up past your regular bedtime and sleeping in on the weekends will disrupt your circadian rhythm. Other factors, such as advancing age, jet lag and daylight savings time, can also have the same effect on your body clock.

Make your bed right away

When you make your bed as soon as you get up in the morning, you have already accomplished your first task of the day. Way to go! Great way to makeover your morning and start the day. Meanwhile, you never know what great things you can accomplish today.

In a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas, William McRaven, US Navy Admiral, and Navy SEAL for 37 years said, “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”. He also wrote a NY Times best-selling book called Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World.

Take a cold shower

Well, if that sounds harsh, at least try ending your shower with a couple of minutes of cold water. At the end of your hot shower, turn the water to cold for 20-30 seconds. Gradually increase the time with cold water 10-20 seconds each day until you can stand two minutes of cold water.

Some of the benefits may be improved circulation, increased alertness, improved metabolism, and decreased depression. However, more research is needed on some of these benefits. [1] But do avoid if you are pregnant or have cardiovascular disease.

Drink plenty of water

Start the morning with a glass of water or two. In addition, drinking warm water with a squeeze of lemon on an empty stomach may improve digestion.

Try my favorite morning drink: add 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to your first glass of water of the day. Make sure the vinegar is unfiltered and looks cloudy. This means it contains good bacteria and enzymes, called the “mother.”

Some benefits of apple cider vinegar are decreased blood sugar and insulin response and perhaps increased weight loss and lower cholesterol. [2] Certainly, more definitive studies are needed on the benefits of apple cider vinegar and weight loss.

Perform gentle movements to prepare the body for the day ahead

This wakes up your body and your brain. No intense full body exercise is necessary. Just five to ten minutes of body movement. Some suggestions: stretching, yoga, pushups, lunges or even a short walk. Here are five easy yoga poses to do in the morning.

Skip or delay breakfast

Try time-restricted eating. Eat all your meals within a set time period of the day, anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. If you are used to eating breakfast first thing in the morning, delay it 15 minutes each day for the first week, then 30 minutes the next until your body is used to the new schedule.

For example, if you eat your first meal of the day at 11 am, then you should eat your last meal of the day by 7 pm, or at least two hours before bedtime. Of course, what you eat still counts, but this regimen can encourage weight loss, improve gut health and discourage late night snacking habits.

Makeover your morning meal

Give up the breakfast of cereal and milk. Scientific research showing the benefits of cereal for breakfast has been widely publicized. [3]

But look closely at the author information of these articles and you will see that the studies were funded by cereal companies such as Kellogg. Certainly, most cereals are full of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Therefore, they increase blood sugar and the insulin response.

Also, reports of the herbicide glyphosate in cereals are concerning. The Environmental Working group commissioned a study where 100% of samples of cereal products containing conventionally grown oats contained glyphosate, the ingredient in the weed killer Roundup. Who wants some Roundup for breakfast?

What to eat for breakfast to makeover your morning 

Protein and healthy fats are the best choices to avoid a spike in blood sugar and to feel satisfied longer. In addition, you will have more energy for the day and perhaps eat less later.

  • Eggs. Try a veggie omelet with greens or broccoli.
  • Avocados
  • Greek yogurt (no sugar) with berries, nuts or seeds
  • Smoothie with high-quality protein powder
  • Organic steel-cut oats with berries, nuts or seeds (always choose organic oats)
  • Quinoa – Try quinoa instead of oatmeal. Click here for the recipe for Berry Nutty Quinoa.
  • Organic berries–blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries.

Note: Steel-cut oats have more fiber because they are minimally processed compared with rolled oats. But they do take longer to cook. Soak them overnight and they will cook in a couple of minutes the next morning.

Directions for preparing steel cut oatmeal: Follow the package instructions for the amount of water and steel-cut oats. Bring the suggested amount of water to boil in a saucepan. Add the suggested amount of steel-cut oats and bring to a boil again. Turn off the heat, cover, and place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, bring to a boil, turn down the heat and simmer for about 5-10 minutes or to desired consistency.


Try one or more of these tips to makeover your morning. Your routine for the morning sets the tone for the whole day. Start the day with intentional purpose and change your day from ordinary to awesome!



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