dial method of wellness

What Is the Dial Method of Wellness?

Did you ever say, “I will start eating healthy when I get home from vacation.” Or maybe, “I will get back to the gym when things slow down at my job.” We overload our schedules with work, family responsibilities, hobbies, volunteering, housework, and yard work, leaving no time to take care of ourselves.

However, the journey to wellness lasts a lifetime. (Despite the click bait headlines like “Eat everything you want and lose 20 pounds” or “Get a flat stomach in 7 days by doing this.”)

Instead, discover the dial method of wellness—scaling your wellness journey according to the season of life you are in.

What is the dial method of wellness?

Remember the old-fashioned volume knob on the TV? Think of our healthy habits (for example, exercise, diet, and quality sleep), attached to a knob marked with the numbers 1 to 10.

We dial down our wellness routines when our schedules are hectic, instead of hitting the stop button. We stay encouraged because doing something is better than doing nothing. Check out this excellent graphic from Precision Nutrition.

How do you learn the dial method of wellness?

First, learn how to deal with setbacks—it’s not failure. Accept the situation as it is and keep moving forward on the journey to wellness.

Second, let go of perfectionism. Do the best you can in your current circumstances and accept that it’s ok. Realize doing something is better than nothing.

How to dial down when your schedule is hectic

How can you dial down a bit to stick to your wellness journey during a difficult time in your life?

No time for the gym? Take a short walk or choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Too busy to make healthy meals from scratch? Add one additional vegetable to your meal, such as a prepared salad or steamed frozen vegetables.

Ask yourself, what can I manage with my schedule the way it is now?

Know when to turn up the dial

Turn the dial up if training for a specific event, such as a race or competition. Your training is intense and focused on the event.

Have you hit a plateau in your wellness journey? Challenge yourself to move ahead. What is something you can do to turn the dial up a little? For example, besides your normal workout, take a walk outside during your lunch hour to add more steps to your day.

Choose one healthy habit to work on

Turning down the dial can be achieved by focusing on one healthy habit at a time rather than changing everything at once.

For example, getting quality sleep is one of the most valuable healthy habits. Concentrate solely on changing your sleep habits and routines. (Find tips for good sleep on the blog.)

Then, when time permits, work on another healthy habit.

Final words

A Roadmap to Wellness, my bonus content, highlights one healthy habit each month to focus on. Click here to subscribe and receive it. (If you are already subscribed, contact me and I will send it to you.)

How will you implement the dial method of wellness? Instead of concentrating on what you can’t do, think about what is possible—and go do it!

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