transform your doubts into faith

How to Transform Your Doubts Into Faith

Do you have doubts about God? I know I do! Does any of this sound familiar to you?

The ultimate question is WHY, GOD?

Is doubting God a sign of a bad Christian? No, it is OK to doubt God. Find out how to transform your doubts into faith.

It is OK to doubt God

The enemy wants to keep us in a place of doubt and insecurity. The Bible overflows with imperfect people who doubted God. Here are a few examples.

The entire book of Job deals with Job’s challenging questions for God.

Abraham and Sarah doubted God’s promise of a son in their old age (Genesis 17:17).

Not only did Thomas doubt Jesus’ resurrection, but others of the remaining 11 disciples also doubted (John 20:25-29, Matthew 28:16-17).

When John the Baptist was in prison, he doubted whether Jesus was truly the Messiah (Matthew 11:2-3).

Our doubts do not surprise Jesus. Even He doubted God the Father. Jesus quoted Psalm 22:1 while dying on the cross. Scripture says, “About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me’)” Matthew 27:46 (NIV).

How to transform your doubts into faith

Ask God the tough questions in order to transform your doubts into faith. Take your doubts to God, just like Jesus did. He can handle them.

When we bring our doubts to God, we build a stronger relationship with Him and transform our doubts into faith. God loves us even though we are imperfect humans. He longs to know us even when we doubt Him.

Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel said, “Don’t see your doubts as something negative that God won’t allow. The truth is, on the other side of it, you can have a stronger and a more intimate faith in God.” 1

Final thoughts

God desires a personal connection with us. That is why He sent His Son to earth, to restore our relationship with Him. We have a mediator, Jesus, who knows our doubts and questions because He experienced them as well.

What questions will you ask God to transform your doubts into faith?


  1. Jesus Calling Podcast, Episode 112. “Step Forward in Faith, Despite the Darkness: Craig Groeschel and Jack & Marsha Countryman,”
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