how to stay young and healthy at any age

How to Stay Young and Healthy at Any Age

Who will take care of me in my old age? I tossed and turned as sleep eluded me. My mind darted from one anxious thought to another. Now I know the answer to my question—God cares for me and provides what I need.

In addition, I seek to stay young and healthy at any age so I will remain active and live independently as long as possible. You already know some of the healthy habits I write about—cutting down on processed foods and sugarexercising, reducing stress, and getting good sleep.

However, I discovered some new concepts about aging while watching “Younger, Longer: The Insider’s Summit.

Do you want to remain active and independent as you get older? It’s never too early to start. Let’s find out how to stay young and healthy at any age.

Develop social connections

We spend more time alone as we age. We retire, become empty nesters, or find ourselves alone because of the death of our spouse. Many research studies show strong social connections increase longevity regardless of age, sex, and initial health status.

Develop social connections to stay young and healthy at any age. It may take more effort to stay in touch with friends and family as we age. Reach out if you are lonely!

Realize your purpose

Stay young and healthy at any age when we believe in something greater than ourselves. Find your passion, a sense of purpose, and meaning for your life. What makes you lose track of time when you are doing it? That is probably your passion.

God created each of us for a unique purpose based on our S.H.A.P.E. (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences). Each one of us is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

As Paul wrote in Ephesians, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT).

God has an amazing plan for your life. If you don’t know your unique gifts and purpose for living, ask God. Even before you were born, God knew why He created you.

What is your passion?

Love yourself

Stay young and healthy at any age by loving yourself. Does that sound narcissistic? Not if we look at ourselves as God sees us. God deemed us worthy of his Son Jesus dying for us. God loves us that much, so see yourself through God’s eyes as his chosen, loved and redeemed child.

What are some ways to love ourselves?

Prioritize self-care

As we get older, we may have to care for aging parents, grandchildren, or spouses with health issues. But as the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. So, periodically we must refill our cup. We cannot take care of others if we don’t take care of ourselves.

Realize you are worthwhile. We might think self-care is frivolous or we are not worth it. It is ok to spend money on yourself. Go ahead, get a massage, manicure, pedicure, or a good haircut as you can fit into your budget. Treat yourself to a bubble bath, nap in the afternoon, or walk in the park on a nice day. You deserve it.

Develop rituals

Rituals are not merely habits or things we must do. Rituals are meaningful routines enhancing our relationships, our workplaces, and our lives. According to Erica Keswin, author of “Rituals Roadmap: The Human Way to Transform Everyday Routines Into Workplace Magic,” rituals ground us when things get tough.

For example, my ritual is sitting outside in the backyard for a couple of minutes first thing in the morning. No phone, just a fresh, steaming mug of coffee. I watch the squirrels and the birds. I pray and ask God what He wants for me today. (And I am resetting my circadian rhythm, too.) I look forward to this quiet time every morning.

Do you have rituals to ground yourself when life is difficult?

Develop a positive mindset

You are God’s most treasured possession, so abandon negative self-talk. Try this exercise. Write down the negative things you say to yourself such as “I am old, I am stupid” or “I am useless.” Would you say these things about someone else? I hope not! So don’t say them to yourself. Instead, replace negative thoughts with truth from God’s Word.

Paul writes in Philippians 4:8, to think about these things, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy.”

What do you think about most often?

Final thoughts

Aging is inevitable, so it’s never too early to think about how to stay young and healthy at any age.

To help you replace negative thoughts with God’s Word, download my bonus content, “Encouraging Scriptures for Daily Living” here.

Resilience, the ability to bounce back and manage negative experiences, is another way to stay young and healthy at any age. Stay tuned for a future blog post on this topic.

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Jeanette Mickle

Wow! Thank you for your post. Especially liked love yourself, self care and positive mind set. I needed the encouragement. Lately I’ve been putting myself down.

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