we hate exercise

How Not to Hate Exercise

No wonder I hate the treadmill. It originated as a punishment to reform stubborn and idle prisoners. In 1818, a civil engineer devised a machine where inmates stepped on spokes of a large paddlewheel for eight-hour shifts. The spokes moved gears to pump water or crush grain. (Hence the name treadmill.)

Do you hate to exercise? Does exercise have to be torturous and boring, like the treadmill?

Let’s discuss the top three reasons we hate exercise and how to overcome them. It might be easier than you think.

  • Why should I exercise?
  • Exercise is boring.
  • I’m too busy to exercise.

Discover your why

Why do people exercise? To look better, lose weight, feel better, have more energy.

Instead, align your exercise goals with faith. Exercise for God’s glory, not our glory. Find the greater reason to be healthy. Be fit to serve God.

God created us in His image, so honor God with your body. As scripture states, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27, NIV).

We are weak when we rely on ourselves. But with God, we are strong. Ask God to give you the motivation to exercise. Our willpower fails, but God’s power succeeds. When we need strength, call on Him, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31, NIV)

What type of exercise will get me off the couch?

Find Joy

Overcome boredom by making exercise fun! I know, remember the treadmill? It’s not fun for me, so I don’t do it. Exercise does not have to be torture. 

Kasey Shuler, in her book Move for Joy: An Intuitive Training Approach to Pursue God in Fitness”, describes five different types of exercisers. She aligns each of these types with God’s purposes. Exercising must bring joy, else we won’t be consistent. 

The Daniel Plan advocates fitness for serving God by finding what you enjoy doing. Explore different activities. What activities did you enjoy in the past? Whatever brings you joy, just do it. As Sean Foy, exercise physiologist, behavioral coach and speaker, says, “the best exercise is one that you will do.”

Are you too busy to exercise?

Start small

Exercise a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Sean Foy, in the Daniel Plan, suggests setting a timer for each hour to get up and move.

For example, walk around the block, do jumping jacks while the coffee is brewing. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Try habit stacking to build movement into your day. Associate a new healthy habit with something you already do.

In his book, Feel Better in 5, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee describes how to transform your health in just 15 minutes a day. Can you find 15 minutes in your day to improve your health?

He discovered his advice to exercise and eat healthy overwhelmed his patients, so he devised a plan of “health snacks”, 5 minutes at a time, 3 times a day. The health snacks are in three categories:

  • Mind- reduce stress and anxiety
  • Body- get the body moving
  • Heart- strengthen essential connections

Small changes over time bring big results.


We can overcome the top three reasons we hate exercise! Most important, discover your why. Start by glorifying God instead of ourselves and find activities that bring us joy. Incorporate movement into your day. Instead of hating exercise, you will love it as long as you avoid the treadmill.

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Nicole Langman

This is a great post! Thanks for honouring the treadmill haters here and helping me refocus my why.

This is great content. I have struggled with finding a fitness routine that makes me happy and fit. I prayed fervently because I believe that my health and fitness is to honour God. My prayer was answered and I found Figure 8 which is a dance fitness programme. Surely it is Heaven-sent. Within 5 months I lost 20 lbs and have never felt better. Embracing my fitness goal as a way to honour God helps me to be more committed to the process since my whole purpose is to live by God’s design. Thank you for strengthening my resolve with… Read more »

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