wellness is a balance of body mind and spirit

Wellness Is a Balance of Body, Mind, and Spirit

After my diagnosis of breast cancer in 2002, I completed the prescribed treatments and heard the words “you are cancer free.” Was I well? No, freedom from disease did not make me well. Wellness is a balance of body, mind, and Spirit, producing an abundant life to honor God. Embracing this concept may change your life as it did mine.

How do we achieve a balance of body, mind, and Spirit?

Wellness of the Body 

Often, how attractive you look to yourself and others defines your wellness. But consider wellness of the body as having the energy to live an abundant life to honor God. Do you need more energy for all your daily tasks?

Exercising, eating a healthy diet full of fresh vegetables and fruit, getting plenty of sleep, and observing health maintenance activities such as regular health checkups result in energy for our daily activities and a sense of well-being. It honors our body as the temple of God.

The Bible says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV).

Wellness of the Mind

First, to achieve wellness of the mind, control chronic stress. Please seek professional help if you cannot handle your mental challenges on your own. Stress causes many health problems, such as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Second, protect our brains by avoiding toxins, drugs, and excessive alcohol consumption.

In addition, be open to new ideas and experiences and maintain an excellent support system of family and friends. Cultivate a good self-image. This allows us to show up each day for the people in our lives and connect with others. 

Finally, be grateful for all God has given you. Dr. Kerry Burnight, gerontologist, reminds us to live younger, longer, we should practice “never ending gratitude.”

Wellness of the Spirit

When we accept and believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives inside of us. Cultivate a relationship with God during a daily quiet time to pray, study the Bible and meditate on God’s goodness and promises to us.

Know what is your why. Why do you want to be well? Why are you here on this earth? What is your purpose and how can you serve others? Seek peace and a purpose in life. By doing this, we gain strength and comfort in adversity.

Wellness is a choice

Modern medicine and God can heal disease, but it is up to us to make choices in life to balance the three aspects of wellness. But don’t change everything at once! Small changes over time bring big results.

Set realistic goals and work towards them to achieve wellness. Balancing wellness of body, mind and Spirit is a continual process. When not feeling well, ask yourself some questions.

For example, if we suffer from fatigue, our body is trying to tell us something is out of balance. What is the root cause of fatigue? Am I over-scheduled? What can I eliminate from my schedule? Am I getting enough quality sleep?

Am I eating too much sugar? If we eat a lot of processed foods and sugar, we lack the energy to exercise. If we don’t get enough sleep, it’s more difficult to resist sweets and unhealthy foods.

Do I keep in touch with the people in my life for support? Reach out to others when you need support and, likewise, support others. 

Roadmap to wellness

After many years of body image issues and dieting, I realized wellness is not about losing weight to look better or wear a smaller size. It is an act of worship to honor and take care of my body, since God created me in His image. 

I discovered the Daniel Plan, which provides a road map to wellness as a balance of body, mind and Spirit. There are five essential components to the Daniel Plan—faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends.

The key Bible verse of the Daniel Plan says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:1-2 NIV).


Living a healthy lifestyle is worshiping our creator and Heavenly Father. Offer your body as a living sacrifice. God created it, Jesus died for it, and the Holy Spirit lives in it.

Willpower will fail. We cannot do it alone, but trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to give us what we need. Trust God to energize our efforts to make healthy changes. 


The Daniel Plan focuses on abundance, not deprivation. The plan does not count calories, nor does it emphasize what you can’t eat. Instead, eat food made by God—real whole food instead of ultra-processed food.


Finding physical activity we enjoy motivates us to exercise and feel better. Sean Foy, coauthor of the Daniel Plan, said, “The best exercise is one that you will do.”

So, find something you enjoy and just do it! If you don’t know what you enjoy, try some new activities and find out. 

Find a workout buddy or accountability partner. Dr. Daniel Lieberman, professor and author of the book, Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding, discovered why it is so difficult for people to be motivated to exercise. Because it’s natural for us to conserve energy. His advice—make exercise necessary and fun. How to do that? Do it with a friend or group and make it a social event.


Transform ourselves by renewing our minds. First, control chronic stress. Second, focus on what we want by setting attainable goals and handling setbacks. Protect our brains and keep them healthy. Finally, stop automatic negative thoughts, called ANTs.


God created us to live in community with other people. Enlisting community is the secret to lasting change. An accountability partner or group, and having friends who practice healthy habits are essential to success in the plan.


Wellness is a balance of body, mind, and Spirit. Friend, you can make daily choices to honor God and take care of your body, His temple. The Daniel Plan is a roadmap for the journey to wellness. Decide to start the journey today!

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