
Posts on the importance of resilience and wellness and how to develop resilience

secrets of resilience from Jesus

What Are Secrets of Resilience From Jesus?

We all experience life’s trials and tribulations, but no one endured more suffering and distress than Jesus. The Son of God humbled himself by becoming a human, and then endured physical, emotional, and spiritual agony on the cross. How can we manage all our pain and suffering? Learn the secrets of resilience from Jesus. Part 1 of 2.

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Ultradian rhythms and productivity

How to Get Stuff Done by Taking a Break

I sit at the computer for hours. My eyes burn, my neck and shoulders tighten, and brain fog and fatigue settle in. Or perhaps your job keeps you on your feet all day and you would give anything to sit down and rest. Ultradian rhythm breaks improve energy, productivity, creativity, wellness, and resilience.

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Stories of resilience in the Bible

What Are Stories of Resilience in the Bible?

Do you seek God’s help when things are going well? If our lives are running smoothly, we might think we don’t need God. However, we develop resilience from suffering because it grows our faith. The stories of Caleb and Abigail’s resilience in the Bible show us how suffering and faith develop our resilience.

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faith and resilience

Why Is Faith Necessary for Resilience?

Resilience is willingness to adapt and accept new challenges, optimism for the future, and a healthy mindset when life is difficult. Trust in the promises of God to build faith and resilience, and stay young and healthy at any age. Build your life on a firm foundation, grow strong roots, and attach to the vine.

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