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how to avoid the acceptable secret sin

How to Avoid the Secret Acceptable Sin

Have you ever walked away from a buffet or all-you-can-eat restaurant wondering “why did I eat all that food?” Me too! So that is why I wrote this post. To persuade myself when I eat to excess, I am not pleasing God. And second, to start a conversation about this secret sin and hopefully shed light on a subject we don’t talk about in church very often, gluttony.

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How to fight the battle of temptation

How to fight the battle of temptation

Consider that the original sin involved food. No wonder many scrumptious snacks, enticing treats, and delectable dishes continually tempt us. The Bible does not mention that Satan told Eve how delicious the fruit would taste. Yet Eve is tempted first by how good the fruit looked to eat. Therefore, how do we fight the battle of temptation?

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