How to Change a Habit and Transform Your Life
Are you determined to break a bad habit but powerless to do so? Stop the shame and self-blame—it’s your brain! Instead of breaking a bad habit, change your brain, change a habit and transform your life.
Are you determined to break a bad habit but powerless to do so? Stop the shame and self-blame—it’s your brain! Instead of breaking a bad habit, change your brain, change a habit and transform your life.
Have you ever walked away from a buffet or all-you-can-eat restaurant wondering “why did I eat all that food?” Me too! So that is why I wrote this post. To persuade myself when I eat to excess, I am not pleasing God. And second, to start a conversation about this secret sin and hopefully shed light on a subject we don’t talk about in church very often, gluttony.
God’s Word and the Holy Spirit guide our conduct, like a jockey guides a horse. Unlike animals, we have reason and free will. So, if we decide to be stubborn, reject God, and go our own way, what is the difference between punishment and discipline from God?
Loss of muscle mass as we age, called sarcopenia, is a risk factor for chronic disease, functional limitations, physical disability, injury from falls, and even premature death. So, how can we remain active and independent as we age? Prevent sarcopenia, and discover the powerful key to longevity.
Anyone who has flown in an airplane has heard these words: “Please place the oxygen mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others.” Of course, this is an extreme emergency if putting on your mask is necessary. On the other hand, in our daily lives, there are several important reasons to take care of ourselves first.