Ask, seek, and knock. Ask for wisdom of God Matthew 7:7-8

What Did Jesus Mean by Ask, Seek, and Knock?

Are you confused about Jesus’ promises in Matthew 7:7-8? We know we don’t get everything we ask God for. However, if God grants our every wish like a genie in a bottle, we’d soon get into trouble because sometimes we don’t know what’s good for us. Find out what Jesus meant when he said “ask, seek, and knock” and discover what it means for you.

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dial method of wellness

What Is the Dial Method of Wellness?

Did you ever say, “I will start eating healthy when I get home from vacation.” Or “I will get back to the gym when things slow down at my job.” Discover the dial method of wellness to scale your wellness journey according to your season of life. Just like the volume knob of old-fashioned TV or radio, dial up/down habits like exercise, diet, & quality sleep for a healthy lifestyle.

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walk in the light Bible verse

What Does It Mean to Walk in the Light?

Seeing colors and bright lights with new lenses after cataract surgery showed me what it means to walk in the light. Getting new lenses in my eyes is like seeing the light of Jesus. His light exposes the dirt (sin) in our lives, just like I spotted all the dirt in the corners of my kitchen. The Holy Spirit is our guide as we walk in the light.

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drink filtered water

Why Is It Important to Drink Filtered Water?

Turn on the tap, fill your glass and drink. Do you take safe tap water for granted? Breaking news from the Environmental Protection Agency reveals 26 million people in hundreds of communities have the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in their drinking water. Drink filtered water to avoid exposure to PFAS.

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what does it mean to be in Christ

What Does It Mean to Be “In Christ?”

Did you ever hear of “Christianese?” When someone has little or no faith background, they may not understand words like “quiet time”, “traveling mercies”, “being saved”, “born again,” or “in Christ.” The phrase “in Christ” is a common expression used by Paul in his letters (actually 164 times). I wonder if his audience knew what it meant. Do you? What does it mean to be “in Christ?”

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