fiber is the secret to better health

Why Is Fiber The Secret To Better Health?

What if I told you there is one macronutrient to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers? And 95% of Americans do not consume enough of this macronutrient. It’s fiber! God made thousands of edible plants containing all the fiber we need.

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Are Sweet Potatoes Better for You Than White Potatoes

Are Sweet Potatoes Better for You Than White Potatoes?

I used to think sweet potato fries were a healthier option compared to regular fries. Definitely not good for you when drenched in cinnamon honey butter! White potatoes get a bad rap, but it’s not deserved. So, are sweet potatoes better for you than white potatoes? The answer is—it depends.

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secret of abundant life

What Is the Secret of Abundant Life?

Selectively choosing or referencing a verse without its full context can be risky. John 10:10 is featured prominently on my website. However, I didn’t consider the context of this verse and I’d like to make things clear. Who is the thief in John 10:10? What is the secret of abundant life?

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quick and healthy lemon chicken

My Favorite Quick and Healthy Chicken Recipe

Are you looking for a quick and healthy chicken recipe for dinner? My favorite go-to chicken recipe is Lemon Chicken with Capers and Mushrooms. This recipe uses thin sliced chicken cutlets or chicken tenderloins and is full of nutritious ingredients such as onions, mushrooms, and capers. And don’t leave out the capers!

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